What is LoRaWAN Advantage?

What is LoRaWAN and what is LoRaWAN advantage?

LoRa is generally used in IoT devices that require only simple control data and status data transmission such as simple switch-closing type actions, keeping IoT devices energy efficient, and low power consumption so that the status of the device can be easily known in unmanaged places.

The main members of the Internet of Things are various sensors, characterized by many nodes, large geographical coverage, small data volume, and certain maintenance costs.

LoRaWAN Wiki

What is LoRaWAN advantage - C&T RF Antennas Inc

LoRa is a modulation technology that is well-suited for data transmission in this context. LoRa is hardware, LoraWAN is a MAC protocol, and LoRaWAN is a Mac standard protocol based on LoRa design.

LoRa is a wireless connectivity technology that belongs to LPWA, with low power consumption, long-range and high capacity and is defined in the physical layer. LoRaWAN is defined in the MAC protocol layer, which specifies the protocol handshake from the terminal to the gateway to the cloud platform, just like 802.11 for Wifi.

LoRaWAN provides a standard and is simple to use, greatly reducing the cost of the network, flexible and lightweight, providing a low barrier to LPWAN solutions for many IoT developers.

On the hardware side, Semtech also has continuous and professional support for LoRaWAN. Generally, LPWAN will not be used in controlled situations due to latency.

Lora wireless technology, enables interconnection with LoRa gateways, using 4G or Ethernet technology, enabling Lora gateways to access remote cloud servers, thus ultimately enabling remote acquisition and monitoring.

LoRaWAN advantages

The LoRaWAN advantage of low power consumption and the LoRaWAN advantage of wide coverage are the main features of LoRaWAN technology.

At the same time, another LoRaWAN advantage, the LoRaWAN industry chain is already very mature, from chips, modules, to gateways and cloud services, there are quite a number of manufacturers, agents, and integrators who are providing professional products and services.

This LoRaWAN advantage enables LoRaWAN to form network coverage quickly and at a low cost. This is the key to LoRaWAN’s popularity. While speed reflects the fast-paced development of information technology in today’s society, low cost is particularly important for cost-sensitive early-stage projects, especially proof-of-concept projects.

Another LoRaWAN advantage is the openness of the protocol. Open protocols facilitate the emergence of an industrial ecosystem. This combined with the failure of other alternative network technologies to truly mature quickly has made LoRaWAN somewhat of a de facto standard for early LPWA.

These LoRaWAN advantages have contributed to the popularity of the technology.

LoRaWAN applications

According to LoRaWAN platform business statistics, the LoRaWAN advantages support LoRaWAN applications cover many industries and sectors including agriculture, environment, energy, manufacturing, city management, and lifestyle services.

LoRaWAN applications with large data volumes such as control cameras are not suitable. LoRaWAN’s suitable applications are as the below.

IoT, M2M

Industrial automation

Low power applications

Battery-powered sensors

Smart Cities

Smart agriculture

Meter reading

Street light control, etc.

Agriculture is a necessity for life and the economy and maximum efficiency in agriculture can be achieved using LoRaWAN IoT applications to reduce environmental impact, maximize yields and minimize costs.

For urban infrastructure applications, LoRaWAN gateways are also very widely used. LoRa technology can make everyday life smarter with connected lighting, waste removal, vehicle services, and more.

LoRa technology is also suitable for healthcare applications thanks to its low power consumption, low cost, and wide coverage area. It is of great benefit to improve healthcare and livelihoods.

In addition, thanks to the long-range, low power consumption and powerful geolocation capabilities of LoRa technology, vehicles, goods, trucks, and other assets can be easily monitored over large geographical areas and in harsh environmental conditions, making it easier for smart supply chains and logistics to transport high-value assets.


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