The Development Trend Of The Smart Technology Industry In 2021

The development trend of the smart technology industry in 2021 - C&T RF Antennas Inc

After the read, you will learn about The Development Trend Of The Smart Technology Industry In 2021.

The world has never experienced such a year. With the global pandemic of the new crown epidemic, new norms in our lives are constantly emerging, such as the expansion of remote work and the ever-changing interaction with technology.

What trend is most likely to dominate the smart technology industry in 2021?

Here C&T RF Antennas Inc shows you the 14 trends.

Smart technology 1. COVID accelerates the growth of medical technology as a response to COVID-19, consumer medical equipment will be developed

Smart watches may be able to monitor diseases and health conditions, such as being able to detect increases in body temperature. The smartwatch will also be upgraded to incorporate features of the NHS COVID application, such as automatic contact tracking.

Smart technology 2. Advances in social care/home care technology The home care market is expected to surge in 2021

In recent years, there are many reasons why many elderly people should stay in their homes for as long as possible as nursing agencies have seen inflation lead to increased costs and concerns about infection control during the lockdown. Ensuring the safety of the elderly at home is very important for families. Therefore, in 2021, the technology used to monitor and provide emergency response will grow rapidly.

Smart technology 3.Machine learning drives the growth of connected health.Connected health has become a recent trend

We can see that in the next 12 months, there are many projects related to remote diagnosis of diseases, and various measurements from temperature to falls are being carried out. We expect that cross-connection operations will also better deploy machine learning.

For example, machine learning can be used to diagnose whether someone has fallen or collapsed due to a cardiac arrest. It may also prove useful for diagnosing symptoms.

Think about what GP will do? The diagnostic work of machine learning and artificial intelligence that asks questions and collects information has matured. Initially, we hope that GP will use it to help manage its workloads, rather than replace them.

As time goes by, we can expect AI to take over some of the daily work of GP, ordinary tasks. For example, diabetes monitoring. Safety issues will reduce the use of machine learning to manage the number of doses.

The extremely high standards in the safety of medical equipment means that this development of actual use of AI and ML for dose management may be after 2021. However, this year, we can expect to see telemedicine use machine learning for monitoring and diagnosis.

Smart technology 4. Gesture recognition technology

Widespread application of gesture recognition technology From the perspective of hygiene and from the perspective of COVID-19, gesture recognition is a safe leader, especially in the early stages of the pandemic, when people are worried that the virus will contaminate the surface. Therefore, we expect that in 2021, we will see more systems and devices under development to allow people to use gestures instead of touch screens.

Supporting technologies that drive gesture recognition acceleration may include optical systems or capacitive touch sensors. For example, Microchip has a 3D gesture recognition chip. We can also see people using low-cost cameras and machine learning to build these gesture activation systems.

Smart technology 5. Increased use of voice recognition

We expect that the greater expansion of speech recognition systems will go hand in hand with the rise of gesture recognition technology next year. For example, we are already using voice to trigger our personal touch screens and smartphones. But in 2021, we should see more voice-activated systems appear in public places to further stay away from devices and systems that need to be touched.

Smart technology 6. The global pandemic caused the supply of parts and components to shut down in many factories worldwide

As a result, demand has also slowed down. However, orders have surged again, and inventory levels have not recovered enough to keep up with the pace of demand. Some distributors have issued fourth-quarter warnings to customers in various sections. 2021 may witness a tightening of global parts supply, so extra plans are carefully implemented to protect project schedules and budgets.

Smart technology 7. Smart home fitness equipment will expand Due to the growth of the home exercise market, next year we should encounter the growth of smart exercise assistants

These will include AI systems that can provide more personalized exercises to suit your goals, as well as the use of cameras to analyze postures during exercises to ensure safe and correct exercises. With the development of more online courses, this will also contribute to the improvement of conference calls.

Smart technology 8.The competition in the notebook computer market (ARM) is heating up

If Apple and Adobe can successfully produce ARM devices running native ARM applications.

These can even be close to its x86, then this may be enough to attract ARM to enter the mid-range notebook computer market. Success here may see other OEMs and developers start producing ARM notebooks and applications to follow in Apple’s footsteps, thereby improving their current weak ARM product lineup.

The efficiency of these ARM processors makes them very suitable for students and general laptop users, although it is unlikely that they will be considered for heavy workloads such as CAD, games or video editing at any time. This is a space that deserves attention. Because ARM notebook computers will begin to show off in the coming months and years.

Smart technology 9.Smart homes will continue to increase their appeal

Next year, smart homes for security, heating, lighting, etc. and smart meters for utilities will become more popular, with emphasis on climate change and energy management. Data from smart homes will be more attractive to manufacturers, consumers and governments.

Smart technology 10. Augmented reality (AR)/virtual reality (VR) further development In the past few years, we have seen the development of VR technology, but mainly in the game market

By 2021, we can expect the use cases of VR to increase, such as distance learning and distance shopping in the education system, both of which are popular due to COVID-19. Imagine if you could use an avatar to walk around in a VR store and view items from any angle, not just the images on their website.

2021 may also be the beginning of the AR era. There are many use cases in the AR era, but so far it has been limited by hardware requirements. The function of scanning space and covering holographic objects, signs, or text is particularly attractive for design, engineering, automobiles, and architecture.

For example, instead of looking at IKEA or jet engine manuals, you can see holographic animations covering the objects in front of you. Interior designers can scan the room and immediately rearrange the furniture and decorations to see the appearance.

In addition, Apple’s new iPhone 12 is equipped with a LiDAR sensor, and they stated that the iPhone 12 Pro has all the hardware requirements for AR support.

In addition, Samsung and the startup NReal announced their progress in the commercialization of lightweight AR headsets that will take advantage of the new 5G network. We believe that before the end of 2021, we will see more hype in AR marketing and eagerly request budget/mid-range Android phones to start using LiDAR on their models.

Smart technology 11. Nature and outdoor recreational applications and IOTree's global blockade make many people yearn for outdoor freedom

Technologies enhance people’s experience of nature are likely to become the dominant trends in the industry in 2021. Please be aware of the proliferation of outdoor related gadgets for camping, hiking or enjoying nature in the wild (such as applications for detecting the natural environment, trackers for everything, and high-tech versions of camping equipment, such as stoves, headlights, etc.)

We expect that wearable devices will be expanded next year, especially outdoors. For example, a T-shirt with a sensor (equipped with GPS to track heart rate). New applications using sensors on ski boots are being developed to collect data on ski performance and make recommendations for improvement. As 2020 gives us a greater appreciation for outdoor activities, we can even see an increase in the number of IOTrees equipped with IoT sensors(antennas) to help combat climate change.

Smart technology 12. Retail technology heralds a cashless society

Next year, more technologies will emerge in contactless payments-the push to a cashless society is now greater than ever. Therefore, expect to see technological advancements in making payments easier, faster and safer.

Smart technology 13. RISC-V further towards the mainstream RISC-V ISA is an open standard instruction set architecture (ISA) based on the established reduced instruction set computer (RISC) principle, and it is likely to continue to develop toward the mainstream in 2021

We have seen that the driving force for the development of RISC-V ISA hardware has accelerated in recent years. Although there are still some question marks about the maturity of the RISC-V ecosystem, we may accelerate development towards the RISC-V ISA in 2021, especially if ARM is acquired by NVIDIA.

Smart technology 14. Improved remote work solutions 2020 will be a decisive year for remote work, and the growth of remote work solutions is bound to appear in 2021

For example, teleconferencing software will achieve major upgrades, such as smoother video generated by AI. In addition, improved noise cancellation during calls, and more comfortable smaller headsets.


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