What is LiFi?

AI applications in the future require a faster and smarter communication infrastructure – LiFi, so what is LiFi?

Although we are advancing faster Internet connections from 4G to 5G, the radio spectrum has become congested due to limited bandwidth. In addition, telecommunications companies must pay high fees to provide these services, which greatly increases the total cost of ownership of the service provider.

This also limits the growing demand of ordinary consumers to obtain faster speeds at affordable prices, as we are rapidly moving towards an increasingly interconnected, artificial intelligence-driven future.

Concepts such as Industry 4.0, smart homes, and smart cities will be supported by faster and smarter AI applications that will continue to communicate with each other. They will need to transfer data quickly for efficient operation.

What is LiFi technology?

Similarly, network connections should be provided at an affordable price to use it as many people as possible. But considering the limitations of cellular and radiofrequency technologies, are there other forms of data transmission that can meet future needs?

Yes, it is. LiFi is expected to become a technology that can significantly increase the communication speed between AI-enabled smart devices at a reasonable price.

LiFi is a visible light-based communication technology that can transmit data at very high speeds. It uses a light source (such as an LED bulb) to send out modulated light pulses to send data. The photosensitive detector demodulates the light signal and converts it into electronic data.

Advantages of using LiFi over WiFi and other cellular connection technologies

Benefits of LiFi in AI Application - C&T RF Antennas Inc

Benefits Of LiFi in AI Application

Although most of the cellular communication modes we use today use radiofrequency waves to transmit data, LiFi represents a new revolutionary chapter in the story of communication technology. This is because it allows us to take advantage of the huge bandwidth of the visible spectrum and transmit data at unimaginable speeds.

The main advantages of using LiFi over Wi-Fi are as the below showing.

Higher speed

LiFi transmission provides ultra-fast two-way speeds exceeding 100 Gbps. This makes it 14 times faster than today’s fastest WiFi. In 2015, Oxford University researcher Professor Dominic O’Brien and his team achieved a bidirectional speed of 224 Gbps. With the further development of LiFi, the speed will definitely increase further.

Low power consumption

Using LiFi helps reduce energy consumption because the power consumed by the LED light source is significantly reduced to transmit more data.

Low cost of ownership

As technology becomes more mainstream and the LiFi ecosystem rises, the total cost of ownership of LiFi-based communications will decrease, allowing it to cover more channels.

Easy to deploy

It is relatively easy to install and remove Li-Fi devices. They can be used as plug-and-play devices. The process is similar to repairing or replacing a light bulb.

Enhanced security

Li-Fi provides a high degree of security because the transmission signal cannot penetrate the wall, and it is almost impossible to carry out remote network hacker attacks.

LiFi enables faster and smarter AI applications

The above advantages make Li-Fi an excellent medium for data transmission. It can find applications in every field where WiFi technology is currently used for communication. In addition, it can open up ways that currently cannot use WiFi or other radio-frequency-based communications.

Application areas of LiFi include:


LiFi will help create an interconnected transportation infrastructure so that vehicles can communicate not only with each other but also with parts of the roadside infrastructure (such as signs and signals) to create a safer driving environment.

LiFi can be used in transportation, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication.

In car-to-car communication, autonomous vehicles can communicate seamlessly with each other, helping to reduce vehicle collisions. The headlights and taillights are used as data transmission sources to continuously convey important information.

For example, vehicle speed, braking distance, or obstacles in the driving process of the preceding vehicle. This helps to improve situational awareness between vehicles, leading to a safer driving experience.

In vehicle-to-infrastructure communications, vehicles continuously communicate with roadside elements such as street lights, signals, signs, and other retrofit components such as road surfaces.

Similar to vehicle-to-vehicle communication, vehicle-to-infrastructure communication will also help reduce accidents, because various components can continuously interact with each other and make quick decisions, and react faster than humans, thus forming a safer autonomous vehicle network.

For example, if the signal is about to turn red, the data can be communicated with the incoming vehicle, and the artificial intelligence system in the vehicle will automatically reduce the speed of the vehicle. Then the information is passed to the trailing vehicle, and its speed will be automatically reduced. This will help avoid signal jumps or accidents due to speeding.

Augmented/virtual/mixed reality

Enterprises, especially those in the B2C field, can use LiFi technology to create an immersive and engaging experience for product marketing.

They can develop an immersive experience zone by using LiFi for data communication. This will allow us to provide real-time feedback that can significantly enhance the user experience.

For example, we can see the rise of AR and VR technologies in events and exhibitions, where exhibitors can create engaging, interactive, and immersive experiences;

For example, the gamification module uses LiFi technology to provide real-time feedback in response to user operations;

For example, tactile feedback.

Industry 4.0

The rise of Industry 4.0 will pave the way for connected, artificial intelligence-capable robots that will work together automatically.

LiFi can help eliminate data transmission delays currently encountered by WiFi systems. The fast data transmission speed will enable the robots to work synchronously because information can be transmitted between them in real-time. This will help improve the productivity of future smart factories.

Smart home

LiFi will usher in a new era of the smart home. It will achieve a faster and safer home network, ensuring that outsiders cannot connect to your network and conduct malicious activities.

LiFi can be used in AI smart lighting systems, allowing various LED light sources in your home to communicate with each other faster and more efficiently.

Similarly, other smart devices can also be equipped with LiFi receivers to help create a faster communication channel between various devices and take home automation to a new level.

Compared with WiFi, LiFi provides better infrastructure for communication and device control, and it also doubles as a lighting source. This helps to significantly reduce power consumption.

Obviously, we are rapidly moving towards an AI-driven, hyper-connected future. The current radio frequency technology will not be able to handle such a large amount of data transmission or meet the speed requirements.

Therefore, LiFi is likely to replace the current last-mile communication solutions. It will play a pivotal and irreplaceable role in the data transmission part.

In addition, the integration and development of LiFi and artificial intelligence will help create future cities, ease some of the challenges currently faced by smart cities, and even help discover new application areas. The only thing that needs to be done now is to accelerate the development of LiFi technology so that it can quickly become mainstream and at a reasonable price.

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