RFID Warehouse Management System

What is an RFID warehouse management system?

RFID Warehouse Management System Features By C&T RF Antennas Inc

RFID warehouse management system is a combination of RFID technology and warehouse management system to provide enterprises with a new storage model, to meet the needs of enterprise automation, transparency, intelligent storage, RFID technology, and warehouse management system to achieve a seamless docking, maximize the value of RFID technology applications in warehousing.

So, based on the RFID warehouse management system specifically, have those characteristics?

RFID warehouse management system to achieve automatic access to the warehouse

When the goods are in and out of the warehouse, the warehouse management system will be sent in and out of the warehouse instructions to the forklift PDA, forklift according to the instruction information to reach the corresponding shelves, read the goods information and compare with the information in and out of the warehouse to ensure the accuracy of the operation.

Then the forklift will put the goods into the designated RFID channel, RFID reader will automatically collect the information of the goods and send the data to the warehouse management system, the system updates the inventory information accordingly and generates new inventory reports. This process greatly reduces the manual intervention, to achieve fast in and out of goods, to ensure the accuracy of in and out of storage.

RFID warehouse management system improves the efficiency of inventory

Traditional warehouse inventory operations, the need for manual handheld scanners, one-on-one inventory of goods, which not only consume a lot of time but are also prone to errors.

RFID technology is a non-contact automatic identification technology, it can penetrate wooden boxes, plastic, and other non-metallic materials for barrier-free reading, but also can adapt to moisture, dark, and other harsh environments. With the application of RFID technology inventory, you can batch scan goods, read hundreds of tags at once, to improve the efficiency of inventory.

How RFID warehouse management system works?

Traditional warehouse inventory operations, the need for manual handheld scanners, and one-on-one inventory of goods, not only consume a lot of time but are also prone to errors.

RFID technology is a non-contact automatic identification technology, it can penetrate wooden boxes, plastic, and other non-metallic materials for barrier-free reading, but also can adapt to moisture, dark, and other harsh environments. With the application of RFID technology inventory, you can batch scan goods, and read hundreds of tags at once, to improve the efficiency of inventory.

How does the RFID warehouse management system work?

With the rapid rise of the personalized market and warehousing logistics in a variety of small numbers of shifts, this change further enhances the difficulty of goods management.

The traditional warehouse management model generally has a huge amount of material inventory, material tracking difficulties, low capital and material turnover efficiency, high labor costs, logistics management information, and means backward and other shortcomings that have not been able to adapt to the new warehouse management needs.

Therefore, the introduction of RFID technology to open up the flow of warehouse data, and to achieve the visualization of warehouse management has become a breakthrough direction of digital warehousing.

In practice, RFID in the warehouse management system needs to face a variety of problems, in summary, including the overall integration of RFID and warehouse management system, hardware integration, middleware integration, and application integration.

In this process, software, communications, and equipment are indispensable, if you cannot play well through the barriers, the system has been reduced to the risk of vase ornaments.

Overall, RFID in the warehouse management system can bring the benefits of three aspects: optimization of warehouse resource allocation; achieving accurate warehouse operations control; and real-time effective transmission of warehouse data flow.

So RFID in the warehouse management system is mainly in which link plays a role?

First is the goods in and out of the warehouse management, for goods or pallets in and out of the warehouse, to achieve real-time data monitoring and upload to the data management center background. Goods or pallets with RFID tag identification, to achieve the regional division of storage space, achieve the positioning of goods, and rapid inventory.

At any time, you can use a handheld machine or mobile inventory machine to be able to the real-time inventory of goods to ensure that the account, is the same thing.

WMS is not an independent system, it and MES (manufacturing execution system), EPR (enterprise resource planning), and WCS (customer system) can be achieved through the interface to interoperate.

Therefore, RFID warehouse management systems in the configuration of equipment, technology applications, and software systems should be fully considered in all aspects of future management development needs.

RFID warehouse management system advantages

Warehousing operations and inventory control operations are increasingly complex, the traditional warehouse management model cannot adapt to the requirements of the times. For modern warehousing enterprises, the introduction of the warehouse management system is imperative, only then can quickly respond to customer needs, to achieve standardized and refined warehouse management.

Speed up the staff on time

Traditional warehouse management operations are complex, staff onboarding requires a lot of time to train and adapt. After the introduction of the RFID warehouse management system, you can greatly shorten the operator training time, the system has the function of voice guidance, can quickly, standardize guidance staff operation, so that employees are quickly on the job.

Saving labor costs

The application of the RFID warehouse management system can automatically enter information, no longer need to manually enter, but also reduce the manual inventory, picking, and other operations, reduce the amount of warehouse personnel employed to save labor costs.

Improve the efficiency of warehouse operations

In the picking, inventory, in and out of storage and other links, the application of warehouse management system combined with RFID technology, just use the PDA scan to achieve batch management, improve the efficiency of warehousing operations. PDA will automatically upload inventory information to the software in real-time, eliminating the manual entry link, optimizing the warehouse management process.

Provide comprehensive information services

In the information age, information is very important for the storage enterprise, real-time information communication can avoid the bullwhip effect caused by information asymmetry, and can give full play to the synergy of the supply chain links.

Through the system feedback data, you can analyze which goods out of the high volume of orders, out of the single time concentration in which time period, whether the need for replenishment, etc., to facilitate the warehouse enterprise to make scientific business decisions, but also for upstream and downstream enterprises to develop further strategic planning to provide the basis.

RFID warehouse management system how to help the warehouse to achieve unmanned

In the traditional warehouse, often see a large number of warehousemen busy figures, and only a small number of simple pieces of equipment to assist their daily work, the warehouse is extremely dependent on people.

The modern warehouse situation is the opposite, the warehouse of intelligent equipment is more and more, and the number of hired labor is less and less, using machines instead of labor to achieve efficient warehouse management.

Warehouse management is increasingly unmanned without the promotion of technology, and RFID warehouse management systems play an important role in it.

How RFID warehouse management system helps the warehouse to achieve unmanned it?

Simplify the storage process

Warehousing system in the inbound, picking, inventory, moving, out of storage and other links, through the application of RFID technology to achieve batch scanning, without manual intervention, simplifying the warehousing process, improve the efficiency of warehouse operations.

Automatic data collection

The RFID warehouse management system will automatically collect data from all aspects of the warehouse, to achieve the conversion from manual data entry to automatic data collection, reducing the workload of the warehouse manager, at the same time, to avoid manual errors and ensure the accuracy of data.

Coordination of intelligent equipment

RFID warehouse management system will be through the interface with the WCS system, the AGV (automatic guided vehicle), automatic picking robot, conveyor belt, and other equipment for reasonable scheduling, to achieve intelligent interaction between people and people, people and equipment, equipment and equipment. These devices not only replace manual labor to complete the work more efficiently and safely, but also adapt to various harsh storage environments.


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