315MHz Antennas

315MHz Antennas Manufacturer

C&T RF Antennas Inc is the internal & external 315MHz antennas manufacturer in China.

What is the 315MHz Antenna Frequency Band?

This 315Mhz band is allocated for exclusive Federal Government use. The operation of unlicensed Part 15 Devices is permitted between 285 and 322 MHz.

ITU # 9 – UHF Ultra high frequency – TV broadcasts, microwave ovens, mobile phones, wireless LAN, Bluetooth, GPS, and Two-Way Radios (300-3000 MHz)

The 315 MHz frequency is suitable for use without a license in the United States and Asia. For use in Europe, please see the 433 MHz version product.

Monitoring Radio Worldwide

Radio frequencies are used worldwide by different organizations, for a range of different reasons; television stations, emergency services, and car manufacturers to name a few.

Each different licensed frequency is allocated to the company/service and can only be used by them. The allocation of frequencies is carried out on a worldwide basis by the International Telecommunications Unions – Radio’ (generally referred to as the ITU-R).

In addition to allocating frequencies, the regulatory bodies have the task of ensuring that a transmitter being used in one band does not interfere with one being used in another. Such problems would render the use of radio unworkable in many applications.

Radio for the Masses

License-free frequencies are available to be used by anybody withing to use them, the most commonly known include; 315MHz, 433MHz, 868MHz, 915MHz, and 2.4GHz. Though they are ‘unlicensed’ there are still regulations that must be abided by. Restraints include; where they can be used and how long you can transmit to help prevent causing interference.

Here in the UK, we are able to use 433MHz and 868MHz bands. It is very important to bear in mind that every country or region has specific frequencies they can use and its own set of rules when using radio.

Available Unlicensed Frequency Bands

Country / Region Frequency

The 315MHz U.S. and Asia

433MHz Europe, Asia, Australia, U.S. (limited)

868MHz Europe

The 915MHz U.S. and Australia

2.4GHz Worldwide

How to design a Radio 315MHz antenna?

When a Designer is working with radio and developing a new product, frequency is going to be one of the biggest decisions that need to be made. The frequency designer chooses will dictate where the product can be used, where the product can be sold and the performance of the product.

C&T RF Antennas Inc manufactures the 5G NR antennas, 4G LTE antennas, 3G UMTS GSM antennas, 2G GPRS NB-IoT antennas, LoRa/LoRaWan antennas (includes 169MHz antennas230MHz antennas315MHz antennas, 433MHz antennas, 868MHz antennas, 915MHz antennas), 2.4GHz 5GHz Wi-Fi antennas, GNSS antennas, GPS antennas, Cellular antennas, UHF VHF antennas, UWB antennas, etc.

And the C&T RF Antennas Inc supplies the antenna accessories such as RF power amplifiers and repeaters, RF connectors and adapters, cable assemblies.

To help you select the best 315 MHz antennas for your application, please contact us for more details such as the 315MHz antenna datasheet, 315MHz antenna pricing, 315MHz antenna inventory, and the 315MHz antenna types.

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