WiFi vs Bluetooth vs UWB

WiFi vs Bluetooth vs UWB who has the higher indoor positioning accuracy technology - C&T RF Antennas Inc

WiFi vs Bluetooth vs UWB, who has higher indoor positioning accuracy? In the context of the Internet of Everything, the acquisition and application of location information are becoming more and more important in project implementation. WiFi vs Bluetooth vs UWB, Compared with outdoor positioning, the working environment of indoor positioning is more complex and detailed, […]

What Is UWB?

What is UWB technolgy - C&T RF Antennas Inc

After the read, you will know: What is spatial perception? A-GNSS system architecture What is UWB? Compared with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth positioning technology, UWB’s advantages Comparison of UWB and other positioning technologies UWB industry development Conclusion Yesterday, Xiaomi officially released the one-finger UWB technology, which attracted widespread attention from the entire network. According to the […]